black crow studios 5 March, 2011
What can be better than a wallpaper? A custom wallpaper made especially for you! Black Crow Studios offer just that. No same pattern repeat, just pure art mural that exactly fits your needs. Isn’t it just dreamy, or am I too crazy in love with wallpapers?!
All the designs above are hand drawn, photographed or painted by Tracy Hinter herself. But also features works of other incredibly talented artist. Don’t you just love the nostalgic European photocards wallpaper! Just want to wrap myself in it.
Keep dancing to the Roisin Murphy’s Ruby blue, the soundtrack on their website.
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swing me happy 28 February, 2011
One day when I have my dream house I’m definitely going to have a swing inside. Not only an interior swing is unconventional and fun but it also a great way to break a creative block especially if you work from home. So I let myself indulge and add to my “dream house inspiration folder”. Are you with me for a ride?
dior-o-mania 27 February, 2011
John Galliano seems to be on fire for the past two years. Every season’s collection from Dior smashes my heart and drops my jaw even lower. Spring 2011 is Galliano’s salute to René Gruau, the illustrator whose work for Christian Dior in the forties and fifties created the house’s most iconic imagery.
The graphite smears, pencil strokes and scribbles, erasure marks, and gouache washes of Gruau’s illustrations were duplicated in cloth and embroidery, used, said the designer, “in an illustrative way.”
– review by Tim Blanks
The collection left me thinking what kind of job should one have to wear this dresses every day, ‘coz I definitely would take it.
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oscar’s greenroom 26 February, 2011
I know you all are probably excited for the tomorrow’s Oscar show, so I decided to look behind the curtains into the Greenroom. Each year, AD selects a noted designer to transform a raw space into a backstage oasis for presenters and winners alike on Hollywood’s biggest night. This year, interior designer Michael S. Smith—who was appointed in 2010 by President Obama to the Committee for the Preservation of the White House—is the man for the job.

I mean…really? Well, it’s well done traditional space, but we talking about HOLLYWOOD and OSCARS!

and I’m proud to be an American 25 February, 2011
Today is officially the first day of my life as an American citizen. To be honest, I haven’t had such a boost of positive energy in a long while as at the Oath Ceremony this morning. Seeing over 2,000 people, coming from different backgrounds in search of their own American Dream was very inspiring and uplifting. I have come a long way since moving to the US five years ago and just wanted to say how grateful I am to my new Homeland for all of the opportunities it has given and continue to give to me. I am truly proud to be an American.
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