quote: Elizabeth Gilbert 8 October, 2010
After a busy week and forthcoming busy weekend, it’s hard not to burn out and keep focused. For that extra push of motivation, I wanted to quote Elizabeth Gilbert from her amazingly inspiring book “Eat.Pray.Love”.
“My thoughts turn to something I read once, something the Zen Buddhists believe. They say that an oak tree is brought into creation by two forces at the same time. Obviously, there is theĀ acron from which it all begins, the seed which holds all the promise and potential, which grows into the tree. Everybody can see that. But only a few can recognize that there is another force operating here as well – the future tree itself, which wants so badly to exist that it pulls the acron into being, drawing the seedling forth with longing out of the void, guiding the evolution from nothingness to maturity. In this respect, say the Zens, it is the oak tree that creates the very acron from which it was born.
I think about the woman I have become lately, about the life that I am now living, and about how much I always wanted to be this person and live this life, liberated from the farce of pretending to be anyone other than myself. I think of everything I endured before getting here and wonder if it was me- I mean, this happy and balanced me, who is now dozing on the deck of the small Indonesian fishing boat-who pulled the other, younger, more confused and more struggling me forward during all those hard years. The younger me was the acorn full of potential, but it was the older me, the already-existent oak, who was saying the whole time-‘Yes-grow! Change! Evolve!Come and meet me here, where I already exist in wholeness and maturity! I need you to grow into me!’ And maybe it was this present and fully actualized me who was hovering four years ago over that young married sobbing girl on the bathroom floor, and maybe it was this me who whispered lovingly into that desperate girl’s ear, ‘Go back to bed, Liz…’ Knowing already that everything would be OK, that everything would eventually bring us together here. Right here, right to this moment. Where I was always waiting in peace and contentment, always waiting for her to arrive and join me.”
@ Eat, Pray, Love by E.Gilbert
chateau marmont asid party 6 October, 2010
Last Thursday I was lucky to attend the ASID Installation of Chapter Officers and Chapter Awards Party at Chateau Marmont. Besides the pleasure of mingling among the Board members, design professionals and industry partners over wine and hors d’oeuvres, the settings were quite ah-spiring. Hidden behind the greenery this classic has a long history of celebrity inhabitants and there everybody is somebody. Having spent a short time in lobby helping with the party guests to check-in I came across John Malkovich and even threw in a few words with Sharon Stone, who is even more stunning in reality.
But the real culmination was the Penthouse Suite where the Party was hosted. The 3,000 sq.ft suite features 2 bedrooms, full kitchen ,dining room, large living room and 1,500 sq.ft patio (seriously, that’s the size of most people’s apartments) overlooking the whole Hollywood. Since I forgot my camera (bummer!), thanks to my friend Denise Pan who kindly took the pictures of the suite so I can share them with you.
And here’s me and Mia Porter, the president of out ASID UCLA Ext. Student Chapter as well as the newly elected Student Rep. chair in the ASID LA Office. Congrats Mia, you well deserved it! <images via www.chateaumarmont.com and www.denisepan.com>
french market baskets 5 October, 2010
I have a confession to make: I HATE grocery shopping. As much as I love cooking, I just cannot bring myself together to waste an hour of my life limping along the rows of a supermarket. I wish I could rather roam through the street markets on the tiny alleys of Europe where the food is so inspirational and all of the hustle and bustle brings so much character to the process itself.
And be like these chic ladies with their little baskets, just browsing the streets or going to a picnic.
At least I can pretend, with these lovely handmade French Market Baskets from Jeanne Beatrice. I just love the natural quality and the juxtaposition of leather detail.
Or if you want some color and pattern, check out French Basketeer. There you’ll find that perfect punch of color to complement your grocery-shopping outfit (all within $40-$50 range). Happy inspired shopping!
cuddle time 4 October, 2010
It’s raining…in LA! Really? This weather keeps us on the toes: last week it was unbearably hot, this week cold and raining. Well, I’m not complainingĀ since finally it is perfectly justifiable to be cuddling under the blankets on the gray Monday morning (which is such a rarity here).
For the picture worthy experience, the only thing I’m missing is a fireplace. I wouldn’t mind any model form Focus Creation. By far the most stylish fireplaces and accessories I’ve seen so far.
<images via www.focus-creation.com>
bamboo or not bamboo…? 1 October, 2010
Bamboo has been taking the design industry by storm in recent years. The more popular it gets, the more controversy it rises. Is it really as green as they say? There is no definite answer out there but I came cross a very comprehensive research article on Wood vs. Bamboo. It’s always good to make an educated choice. So click here for all the PROs and CONs.
As for me, it all depends on looks. With a large variety of bamboo types and stains, it looks very fresh and unique. Perfect for contemporary installations and, in my book, it IS more eco-friendly version. Like these from Teragren.
But when you need some old soul there’s nothing better than reclaimed wood, like this one from wine barrels from Fontenay.