lightwave laser 30 September, 2010
Great new product I stumbled upon which goes immediately to my resource library. Lightwave Laser Designs offer a range of services of laser cutting of stencils, acrylic, paper and wood. One can select from the library of patterns or do a custom one. Their pre-made product selection is also very inspiring: from lamps to screens, art and window covers.
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a gust of wind 28 September, 2010
This art installation by Paul Cocksedge took my breath away. Called A Gust of Wind, the piece featured 300 curled pieces of Corian engraved with the words “Ideas Tray” and a series number. This piece was exhibited for one day only at V&A as a part of London Fashion Week, just as inspiration comes and goes, you better catch it and jot it down At the end of the day they were given away to partners of the project and members of the public for use as paper trays.
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surviving the heat wave 27 September, 2010
Gosh, it’s hot in LA. 113 F = 45° C for Fall is a bit too much. When everything and everyone around is melting, the only place you want to be is somewhere dark and cool. What comes to my mind is the surreal Atomic Spa Suisse in Exedra Milan Hotel by Simone Micheli.
The unique design of the space lets you completely escape from the reality and allows for an almost metaphysical experience. Playing on the edge of the futuristic design, Micheli engages all of the dimensions: the ceiling transforms into the walls, which melt into the water, which is being reflected on the ceiling. It’s like 3D movie for grown-ups.
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welcome to my place 25 September, 2010
It’s about time to invite you all on a quick tour of my native town. Shadrinsk (I actually can’t believe that someone was kind enough to create the Wikipedia page for it:) is a small town lost somewhere by the border between Europe and Asia. As one of my school instructors said, if you close your eyes and throw a dart in the map of Russia, it ‘ll be somewhere there. Founded in 1662, it was a trade point during the monarchy.
But what I really like and miss the most is the nature: lush forests, rivers and lakes, mineral water.
What I really wanted to focus on the most during my last visit is the architecture. Nothing major there but we do have a few buildings left from the 19th-early 20th centuries, which really give the town its charm. These brick beauties as if still carry the pride and honor of their once wealthy trade masters. I really wanted to capture the buildings before they turn into these…
It makes me so sad to see the history being abandoned while instead we are rushing to build the faceless concrete boxes.
Anyways, what you really want to look for when visiting a small Russian town is the window legend. Literary, old windows have some legends. Look at these incredible woodwork which is unique and made by hand. So if you ever in that area – drop me a line, my mom is always happy to meet the guests.
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let it be Fall 24 September, 2010
I’m SO ready for fall. After exhaustingly hot August in Russia, I came back to ever-air-conditioned LA, like to heaven. And believe it or not just now got to sort through the pile of magazines, including August, September and October issues of each one of them. That’s quite a chore! But the moment I’ve opened Vogue’s October issue…like a breath of fresh air – Ralph Lauren’s Fall 2010 Collection.
Perfectly romantic with flowing florals and ruffles mixing a nostalgic old-world Europe charm in tweeds, knits and weathered leather. Makes me dream of a late autumn trip to British suburbs.
Click here for the video tour through the luscious collection guided by editors of Marie Clare, Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar and Popsugar Network.
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