How an Angeleno knows that the summer is here?… by checking one’s calendar and not finding a single weekend open for the next few months. Between B-day parties (and one of my own), pool parties, BBQs and roadtrips, it’s almost impossible to find a minute to actually realize that we are almost midway through summer.
We opened up the summer season with a few roadtrips to Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Areas. With the temperatures much milder than LA and over 200 wineries, the region has become a favorite of ours and I see us coming back there quite soon again for the dose of that certain something that makes Californian cows so happy.
I forgot to mention miles and miles of stunning beach lines. There’s also a certain opulence to enjoy, where too much of a good thing is even better.
…and a sweeping wind in the hair that takes all the worries away. One said it’s the happiest place on earth and it’s definitely one of mine now.
<images vie moi>