
relax into beauty 10 November, 2010

What a week last week has been! I guess stressful situations don’t come alone, they always travel in pack. Good news – it’s all downhill from now on. At least for the next few weeks before the holidays’ rush kicks in. But till then, let’s relax into these serene interiors by Atlanta-based Turner Davis Interiors.

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press club 22 October, 2010

Warm autumn days makes me what to put my boots on and visit the countryside. So it happens that in California the countryside is most likely to include a winery or two. I love little wineries with their perfect design simplicity, stained rustic wood  and succinct decor (mostly including wine bottles only). When I came across The Press Club, San Francisco wine tasting room and shop, I gasped at how ideally BCV Architects translated all that we love about country wine tasting into urban surrounding.

Perfect Recipe:

Laconic Architecture – check

Wood (lots of wood) – check

Bottle Decor – CHECK!

The 9,000 sf venue is located within San Francisco’s Four Seasons hotel on Yerba Buena Lane. The 1,100 SF entry level shop entices the visitor inside, and then reveals a grand stair to a subterranean level tasting lounge. The palette of materials mixes warm, sustainably sourced woods with exposed structural elements, suggesting the partnership of the organic and the industrial that is the hallmark of Wine Country. Wine bottles themselves are used in innovative displays that bring color and light to the space.

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ruthie sommers 19 October, 2010

Tuesday is now my official day off. After an intense week, I  decided to give myself a break and do NOTHING for a change: watch “Roman Holidays”, catch up on blog-reading and magazine-flipping. And I’ll do a LAZY post today. Since my friend scored a position of the project manager for the lovely Ruthie Sommers (Dana, I hope you are cool with me bragging on your part!) , it brought me back to Sommers’ latest project featured in the Lonny Magazine. I just loooove the richness of the green against white.

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surviving the heat wave 27 September, 2010

Gosh, it’s hot in LA. 113 F = 45° C for Fall is a bit too much.  When everything and everyone around is melting, the only place you want to be is somewhere dark and cool. What comes to my mind is the surreal Atomic Spa Suisse in Exedra Milan Hotel by Simone Micheli.

The unique design of the space lets you completely escape from the reality and allows for an almost metaphysical experience. Playing on the edge of the futuristic design, Micheli engages all of the dimensions: the ceiling transforms into the walls, which melt into the water, which is being reflected on the ceiling. It’s like 3D movie for grown-ups.

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