I stumbled upon Rob Wynne glass art installations and was immediately blown away. Besides the incredible sense of humor, it possesses such a captivating dimensionality and makes you stop and stare. “Teardrops” stole my heart.

My another favorite is poured and mirrored glass text. My designer juices are boiling with ideas for its application.
<images via www.robwynne.net, also here and here>

Hey there! I’ve been out for a while again. I guess the holiday fever and thesis final combined are destined for a burn-out. But I must say I’ve really enjoyed a much-needed time off with the family, thanks to my husband mostly, who took on the dinner organizational part and found the recipes. After a day of cooking, it was such a blessing to see family and friends get together for a good meal and a chat.
I’m so happy that I’ve got a chance to give back this season…at least a little bit. Last week some gals from UCLA Extension and me headed downtown for the furniture assembly volunteer day for Downtown Women Center. It was such a heart ache to face the reality of homelessness in Downtown of LA when only a few block away there are these sizzling blocks with new restaurants opening every month. But at the same time I felt so inspired to see that little people like us REALLY can make a difference with small consistent efforts.

Downtown Women Center is a non-profit organization sheltering homeless and extremely low-income women, providing meals, medical care and permanent housing. Having acquired a new building a few years ago, the center is now ready to open with the Grand Celebration on December 10th. Stop by if you are in the area.
There’s more volunteer help needed on Dec.4th to prep the space for the opening, email me for details
<image via me>
What a week last week has been! I guess stressful situations don’t come alone, they always travel in pack. Good news – it’s all downhill from now on. At least for the next few weeks before the holidays’ rush kicks in. But till then, let’s relax into these serene interiors by Atlanta-based Turner Davis Interiors.

<images via www.turnerdavisinteriors.com>
Recently I has been in a fashion mode, may be for the lack of dress up for this past Halloween. The latest DAY collection by Birger et Mikkelsen is definitely in tune with my fall feelings.

<images via http://shop.day.dk>
Even thought I don’t have any fun plans these Halloween weekend (except SPOOKtaculart AutoCAD!), I imagine my dream party to be something of a mixture of Victorian Naturalist and traveling Gypsy with all of the weird curiosities involved.
I love how these black and white wallpaper prints transform the whole room in an instant, making a regular room look like a mysterious place while the trompe l’oeil effect adds to the weirdness factor. 
The details are very important: cloches, vintage botanical/animal prints, collectibles and lots of velvets. 
And the food, of course. I love these fun ideas of transforming everyday dishes into BOOtiful treats. 
<images via Butterfly clip-art , old shack dining, peacock garden, bust candles, all thing weird, eggs print, fungus tart>