the venus project

Can you imagine our society without money and shopping. Where everybody has everything one needs, where you don’t have to go to work and can do/learn/create whatever you like in your free time.

Well, you don’t have to torture your imagination with that because a group of people already developed the idea. The idea of resource-based society instead of money-based one. They prove that when depositing all the energy and resources (that people put now in generating monetary profits, war and politics) into technological innovations we can create that perfect world utilizing all the natural resources without any harm to the environment.

The Venus Project is the plan for the future self-sustained cities where one has everything one needs. Headed by JACQUE FRESCO, a93 -year old industrial designer and social engineer, the Venus project partnered up with The Zeitgeist Movement. Together they try to change the way people perceive our society and  open our eyes on manipulative political and financial systems.

Check out this  12 min video on the Venus project architecture and technological planning if the future cities. For the full insight on their philosophy  watch the movie “ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM” and you’ll be shocked how good those on top have you tied up.

Part 1


Part 2



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