back to reality 4 January, 2011
Wow, I can’t believe that the New Year’s week has gone so fast. Or may be our little vacation at North Tahoe was so incredible that I wish it had lasted a little bit longer. A perfect winter wonderland with LOTS of snow, amazing skiing and much-needed family time over board games and long conversations by the fireplace.
Although quite refreshing, a week without internet and barely any phone connection has taken its toll. Now I’m drowning in emails and to-do lists. Oh well, it was worth it!
magic in the air 24 December, 2010
May be I’m being a bit childish but every year for the New Year’s holidays I’m trying to hold on to that magical feeling, the one that was floating in the air when I was little. Back then you’ve known for sure that something special is happening that night and it’s not just another 12am starting another day.
And I still believe in this now, so I do send out my wishes out there. I’m so grateful for all of your support and encouragement this year and wishing that the next year bring health to you and your families, lots of joy and creativity. As for me, I’ve already got the biggest gifts I could receive: I’ve spent another wonderful year with my incredible husband and loving family, I’m lucky to have the profession that I really love and all of you out there sharing my inspirational journey. What else could I wish for?!
<images via me>
ralph laurent winter window displays 22 December, 2010
The only time I get to walk around the city is when we have people visiting and I’ll do my regular sightseeing tour. And I was really surprised, even perplexed by the lack of the holiday decor around Beverly Hills. I loved window shopping there especially around Christmas but this time the only windows that we up to par is Ralph Lauren’s.
<images via me>
design fix: yarn wreath 19 December, 2010
My ultimate rainy day recipe is finishing all of you DIYs (that you’ve been putting away till a rainy day) and watching old classics. Taking into consideration that it’s been raining non-stop for 3 days already, I did just that.sometimes I think we had more rainy days here in LA, I would have been a more productive person overall :)
I’ve been wanting to do a yarn wreath for quite a while now so yesterday I finally sat down to do it over Funny Girl.
it started slowly…
about hour and a half later,
I just LOVE the final result! What are you doing on your rainy/snowy days?
<images via design apothecary>
gift wrapping ideas – part 2 18 December, 2010
We are getting down to the wire – one week till Christmas. While I have a few more gifts to buy, I can’t resist the pleasure to browse for some more gift wrapping ideas. I love the budget-friendly wrapping ideas, because honestly, after a shopping spree who wants to go and buy stuff that will be immediately tossed into the garbage after opening the gift, right? So here I’ve gathered ideas that employ scraps and bits of ribbon, paper, textiles as well as natural elements that you can easily pick up while walking a dog. Simple and adorably cute!