
walking in downtown sacramento 26 May, 2010

Being a soccer wife does have some benefits. Besides witnessing games’ highlights live, every now and then we get the unplanned road trips. So last weekend we went to Sacramento (hence the lack of posts). Surprisingly small town (for the capital of California), it possesses such an irresistible charm that I couldn’t help but snuck out in between the games to just walk the streets and take it all in.

Sacramento’s architecture is a clad of Victorian, Colonial, American Federalist, Greek and all sorts of Classical Revivals. Yum! Needless to say that my whole historical entity was having a blast.

Capitol Building (1861 – 1874)

California Western Life Building (now Citizen Hotel) – 1925

Ruhstaller Building – 1898

Masonic Temple – 1920

Elk Building – 1926

Pioneer Hall – 1868 and Merchant National Bank – 1921

Old Sacramento

<images via me>

legends of la cienega 12 May, 2010

Finally have a moment to breathe in after the intense weekend with all the design fabulousness here in LA. Legends of La Cienega is a 2nd annual two-day gala of interior design in the heart of West Hollywood sponsored by Elle Decor, featuring lots of board discussions, book signings, cocktail parties and what not. But the real show stopper is  the window displays of all the showrooms on La Cienega which are decorated by interior and set designers to channel a certain theme/idea. This year inspiration is Hollywood movies. Jill from Material Girls did such a great job capturing all of those, so I won’t be redundant and post a few pics of my own of the discussions I had a pleasure to attend.

East Meets West Panel: Pamela Jaccarino, Editor in Chief, Luxe Interiors + Design; Virgil McDowell,architect;  Mary MacDonald, interior designer; Joe Nye,  interior designer; Lisa Fine and Carolina Irving of Irving & Fine.

Design Diaries Panel: Alexandria Abramian-Mott, Editor in Chief, Angeleno Interiors; Gregory Han, Apartment Therapy LA; Cassandra Lavalle, Coco+Kelly; Joy Cho, Oh Joy!; Janet Hall, Remodelista.

Setting the Mood with hilarious Robert Verdi

Most of the discussions looked like this for me as I was constantly late to grab a front spot since I couldn’t stop browsing through amazing showrooms.

Vintage Lineage Panel: Margaret Russell, Editor in Chief, Elle Decor; Chris Barrett, interior designer; Catherine Malandrino, fashion designer; Cameron Silver, founder of Decades. <images via me>