fall preserved 11 November, 2010
I know, I know…winter holiday’s theme starts creeping in into blogs and store fronts but I’m always trying to drag the time out at this time of the year. I love fall with the chilly nights and fest of color. And nothing speaks more autumn to me than preserved pressed botanicals. May be it comes from the childhood memories. There was something incredibly warm and nostalgic to discover long forgotten leaves and flowers pressed between pages of a book. A little piece of summer in the middle of the snowy winter months.
And now every time I come across the pressed botanical art it brings me right back to those comforting moments.
Botanical art not only brings in warmth to any space but also looks incredibly chic and sophisticated. And it’s so easy to do it yourself too, just mount dry botanicals on vintage paper or just a plain frame glass and here you go.
There are so many ideas of incorporating this natural beauty. These incredible botanical accessories from Botanical Creations, Garden22 Design Studio and Zipper 8 Design definitely go on my Wish List.
<images via 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 &9, 10 &11, 12 & 13, 14 & 15>
relax into beauty 10 November, 2010
What a week last week has been! I guess stressful situations don’t come alone, they always travel in pack. Good news – it’s all downhill from now on. At least for the next few weeks before the holidays’ rush kicks in. But till then, let’s relax into these serene interiors by Atlanta-based Turner Davis Interiors.
<images via www.turnerdavisinteriors.com>
day by birger et mikkelsen 2 November, 2010
Recently I has been in a fashion mode, may be for the lack of dress up for this past Halloween. The latest DAY collection by Birger et Mikkelsen is definitely in tune with my fall feelings.
<images via http://shop.day.dk>
victorian weird curiousities bash 30 October, 2010
Even thought I don’t have any fun plans these Halloween weekend (except SPOOKtaculart AutoCAD!), I imagine my dream party to be something of a mixture of Victorian Naturalist and traveling Gypsy with all of the weird curiosities involved.
I love how these black and white wallpaper prints transform the whole room in an instant, making a regular room look like a mysterious place while the trompe l’oeil effect adds to the weirdness factor.
The details are very important: cloches, vintage botanical/animal prints, collectibles and lots of velvets.
And the food, of course. I love these fun ideas of transforming everyday dishes into BOOtiful treats.
<images via Butterfly clip-art , old shack dining, peacock garden, bust candles, all thing weird, eggs print, fungus tart>
fall dress code 28 October, 2010
Another busy day here so to brighten it up lets play grown-up dress up. I love all of the fall trends: neutral chiffon blouses, plaids, deep purples and burgundies, leather and metallic accents. Here’s my dream outfit this fall, a busy girl would totally be more happy to run around town all pretty like this. What do you think?