I don’t know about you, but if I read another article/post named “deck the halls” or ” ’tis the season” I’ll absolutely get insane. Decorating for Christmas/New Years might be very overwhelming. When it comes for this time of the year, I become a child and all my cool-headedness and choice making abilities disappear. With all this magic in the air it’s easy to go overboard.
As a kid, you kinda don’t have much choice. You inherit your tree/ornaments/garlands etc. and pass it along. Then you have roommates/friends with their design ideas. But settling in a new truly mine space I have a chance to rewrite the history and get a fresh (and CLEAN) start. With all this pressure I decided to narrow down my choices by these inspiration board.
Starting with the basics
so my color palette would be bright red, pure white (with silver sparkle) and spruce green. And this room from Roomenvy Blog has all the key elements. It’s simply chic, festive and CLEAN. 
my sugar-cane palette in these yummy ornaments and may be some pattern with these
and i love the craftiness of these 
I get very home sick around New Years. I miss the lavish forest sunk into the fresh snowdrifts. The sparkling and heavy branches of spruces above the head and crisp air. So to break off my candy theme, I want to bring in nature. 
berries, nuts, pine cones and birch bark to toss here and there for the fresh nature-inspired decor.

and, of course, the gift wrapping. Let’s be eco-friendly and stylish and use something we already have for those needs. I like the contrast of rough recycled paper and soft atlas ribbons.
what a nice way to add color and wit to the wrapping.
<click on images to see the sources>