Ah! Love history! Why? Because you can see that even back then architects and designers couldn’t do whatever they wanted (unless you are THE Frank Gehry). Guess how many stories the Steiner House by Adolf Loos has…looks like 2, right?
Well, the building codes of the neighborhood didn’t allow buildings’ facades to be higher than 2 stories. Hey, nobody said anything about the back side!
You think I’m showing you two different buildings…NOPE.

Ah! Love codes! Bring it on!
Sunday night, the saddest time of all. That’s when you start wondering where did my WHOLE weekend go? Well, somewhere between crazy domino/backgammon games (till 4am!), cheering for husband on a soccer field, a few delicious recipes and a lovely in-house party (and then the feeling of guilt for everything eaten), searching for the inspiration for the new project and simultaneously sunbathing in Santa Monica, a quick roam through Farmer’s market…have I mentioned everything?!
Anyways…HGTV Design Star Show has been accepting applications for the season 5 and January 19th is the last day for the submissions. Good luck to everyone. And while we are all waiting for the new season to air, I decided to put together some of my favorites on the “White Room Challenge”.
Absolutely love the texture created by wood logs and the pop of color of apples. Great proof once again that good des

<images via www.HGTV.com>
Happy New Year to everyone…with a HUGE delay as I got lost walking in the winter wonderland. Last minute ski trip change from Mammoth CA to Vail CO was the best decision of 2009! Picture perfect slopes, woods and fresh powder were everything that a California soul can dream of for the holidays…heated outdoor pool and jacuzzi didn’t hurt either. Here’s a little “wish-you-were-here” postcard. 
And, of course, couldn’t miss on some of the village architecture pics. 

Hope everyone had a great time too. Now I’m back with my daily posts.
After early morning browsing through several construction sites in Palos Verdes, CA I found myself a mile away from the famous Wayfarers Chapel. Built in 1951 by Lloyd Wright, son of THE man of American architecture Frank Lloyd Wright, the Chapel amazes one with its fusion of nature and architecture. Yes, it looks amazing on pictures but the atmosphere is beyond the words. It made me wish for my wedding day to be ahead again, as I cannot imagine a more harmonious place than this to speak out your vows.

<images via me except for the last one by www.joeyikemoto.com>